My mathematical interests are mainly symplectic and contact geometry and topology. I am particularly interested in Legendrian knots, Weinstein manifolds, and Lagrangian cobordism problems.
- The contact cut graph and a Weinstein L-invariant (with Nickolas Castro, Gabriel Islambouli, Jie Min, Sümeyra Sakallı, and Laura Starkston) arXiv:2408.05340 (submitted)
- Weinstein presentations for high-dimensional antisurgery (with Ipsita Datta, Oleg Lazarev, and Chindu Mohanakumar) arXiv:2310.03133 (to appear in Algebraic & Geometric Topology)
- Lagrangian zigzag cobordisms (with Josh Sabloff, Mike Wong, and Shea Vela-Vick) arXiv:2308.02057 (submitted)
- Lagrangian cobordism of positroid links (with Johan Asplund, Youngjin Bae, Orsola Capovilla-Searle, Marco Castronovo, and Caitlin Leverson) arXiv:2305.16232 (to appear in Pacific Journal of Mathematics)
- Obstructing Lagrangian concordance for closures of 3-braids arXiv:2201.08466 (submitted)
- Weinstein handlebodies for complements of smoothed toric divisors (with Bahar Acu, Orsola Capovilla-Searle, Agnès Gadbled, Aleksandra Marinković, Emmy Murphy, and Laura Starkston) arXiv:2012.08666, to appear in Memoirs of the AMS
- An introduction to Weinstein handlebodies for complements of smoothed toric divisors (with Bahar Acu, Orsola Capovilla-Searle, Agnès Gadbled, Aleksandra Marinković, Emmy Murphy, and Laura Starkston) arXiv:2002.07983, Proceedings of the Research Collaboration Conference for Women in Symplectic Geometry and Contact Topology
Student projects
As part of a vertically integrated research seminar at LSU, I co-advised a number of student research projects with Shea Vela-Vick. Some of those projects include:
- Legendrian knot atlas, an online database extending Chongchitmate and Ng's previous work (with Nilangshu Bhattacharyya, Cyrus Cox, Justin Murray, Adithyan Pandikkadan, and Shea Vela-Vick)
- Non-orientable 4-genus of torus knots (by Megan Fairchild, Hailey Jay Garcia, Jake Murphy, and Hannah Percle) arXiv:2405.04737
- Legendrian knots and multi-crossings (by Amit Kumar, Jake Murphy, and Brian Naff) arXiv:2405.04724