
Here is a list of talks I am giving this year. For a list of past talks, see this separate page.

  1. 24-10: TBA, 2024 AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting: Special Session on Recent Advances in Contact and Symplectic Topology
  2. 24-10: TBA, 2024 AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting: Special Session on Invariants of Knots, Links, and Low-dimensional Manifolds
  3. 24-10: TBA, 2024 AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting: Special Session on Geometry and Topology of Contact and Symplectic Manifolds
  4. 24-11-07: TBA, University of Iowa, Geometry and Topology Seminar
  5. 24-12: TBA, 14th Annual Tech Topology Conference


I was a co-organizer of:


I was a co-organizer of: